Therapeutic Uses:

In this period, researchers laid the foundation for a new way of looking at both natural and synthetic vitamins as medicine or drugs.
In the mid-1940s, Evan V. Shute, a medical doctor from Canada, put Szent-Györgyi's ideas about vitamin therapy into practice. Shute and his colleagues used large doses of synthetic vitamin E to treat patients with a variety of cardiovascular diseases.
Around the same time, Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., of Reidsville, N.C. began treating a variety of viral diseases, including polio, with some limited success using large doses of synthetic vitamin C.
In 1952, Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., started treating schizophrenics with synthetic vitamin C and B3 with some positive results.
Because of their synthetic nature, the body views them as foreign substances, and as such launches an immune response against them.
This immune response does not necessarily prevent the synthetic vitamin from alleviating symptoms and giving the impression that healing has occurred.
The elimination of symptoms is rarely an indicator of health. It is common for people to experience recurrences in disease even after successfully addressing the symptoms.
This was the start of a new way of thinking about vitamins in the same way that we think about drugs today.
Because the root cause of the disease or illness has gone untreated.
Health is only possible when the deficiencies that caused the symptoms, and therefore the disease, are addressed.
As the nature-made molecular structure of naturally occurring vitamins is undisturbed by the manufacturing process and their delicate matrix of co-factors maintained, they are highly usable and effective as nutritional building blocks for the elimination of disease-causing deficiencies and the creation of health.